Access to Essential Data Terms of Service

Effective: May 13, 2024

In addition to the TextNow Terms of Use (available at, these supplemental Access to Essential Data Terms of Service (collectively, the “Terms”) apply to a User’s use of the Access to Essential Data service offered by TextNow (referred to as “Essential Data” or “Essential Data Add-on”). Capitalized but undefined terms used herein have the meanings assigned to those terms in the TextNow Terms of Use.

These supplemental terms (the “Supplemental Terms”) apply to wireless Users on the “Access to Essential Data” add-on. ‍

The Essential Data Add-on will provide Users with a prescribed amount of data usage, to be used for the limited purposes of using specific “essential” mobile applications, such as certain e-mail, navigation, and rideshare applications (collectively, the “Eligible Applications”). The list of Eligible Applications is subject to change at TextNow’s sole discretion, and TextNow does not guarantee the availability or classification of any mobile application as an Eligible Application. The Essential Data Add-on is available within the U.S. only. 

Essential Data Add-on Data Usage Specifications

During each monthly cycle, a User will have up to 350 Megabytes (MB) of data available to use for Eligible Applications at a speed of up to 3 Megabits per second (Mbps). Any subsequent usage during a monthly cycle for Eligible Applications shall be limited at a speed of 128 kilobits per second (kbps). Speeds and availability of the Essential Data Add-on are not guaranteed and may vary depending on network availability and other factors.

The maximum amount of data available under the Essential Apps Add-on within a monthly cycle is 1 Gigabyte (GB), and data made available for each monthly cycle shall expire at the end of the cycle.

These Supplemental Terms may be amended without notice by TextNow at any time. The Essential Apps Add-on is subject to availability and may be reduced or discontinued at any time without notice by TextNow.